Have you lost your SPARK?
When you were a child, most likely your mom had to call you in for dinner! Too busy running around and chasing friends, you lost track of time ….what happened?
For many of us, life got in the way. We’ve not only lost track of time, we’ve lost our SPARK! 
So busy parenting, working and worrying, we’ve forgotten how important it is to move.
It's time to bring your SPARK back!
Sit less and move more. 
Exercise can improve emotional and mental health, reduce body fat and help control your blood sugar and cholesterol.
A fitness routine can firm you up and keep you alive longer!
It can slow age-related health issues or even prevent them in the first place.
 “…exercise is perhaps the closest thing there is to a miracle drug.” Scott Kaiser MD.
It doesn’t have to be anything extreme…yet we all need to get moving!
Recently, I’ve noticed many couples have started playing tennis.
We have!
Or what about a nice long daily walk? Fresh air, conversation and Vitamin D (especially if you live in the Northern Hemisphere)
You can also download a fitness app. There are tons to choose from. (See below)
Or join a gym! Strength training is super beneficial as you age, and you burn more calories after your workout.
So if you do 15-20 minutes of strength training and then take a nice long walk …your metabolism stays lit up! Sound good?
Here are a few of my favorites ( and my hubby’s too)  app (Pilates, HIIT, Yoga, Strength and more)    A super fun on-line dance experience
Community classes
Jump roping
Nike Training Club App  NTC 
Walking 3 miles a day
Join a gym. (My hubby has been a gym rat for 50 years..and it shows!)
Spring is here…Summer is coming!
Get moving! Get your groove on and your SPARK BACK!
 XOXO Casey


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