This Is My Story.

I went through life for many years putting everyone else first and living out of whack. I did a lot of things right, yet never saw the tsunami up ahead. Not until my marriage was in crisis, my adrenals burnt out, and the death of my mother and sister did I really hone in on how important it was to take care of me. Following my sister's passing, I would read obituaries about women who were the sweetest, most caring, selfless individuals till it hit me one day; I was one of them! 

Sadly, they had become the sacrificial lamb. I was not willing to offer myself up, that’s for sure! Firmly, I made a pledge to honor myself and the women that had come before me, by taking care of me!  

Throughout my life, juicing, cleansing, and general wellness research, had always been a passion of mine, yet something was missing; like puzzle pieces, someone had hid the blue sky. So, the search began! Through seeking answers to my own health issues, continuing education and more… I began taking better care of myself emotionally, physically and spiritually, I began to learn to love myself in ways that I never had before. Slowing down, creating boundaries, laying off the caffeine craze and listening to my body, became my art.


“i wanted to find a way to share what i had learned and help others to balance their lives, i would pay it forward! i named my company go be you. the passionate you, the healthiest you, the beautiful you, the best you!”


Re-discovering that my health was not only about what I ate but about the lifestyle I was living, was a huge breakthrough for me. With absolute humility and gratitude, I can say that in time I healed, and so did my marriage! My life became balanced and my purpose became evident, I WOULD PAY IT FORWARD! I would find a way to share my discoveries and help others to create JOY and BALANCE in their lives!

I named my company GoBeYou. The passionate you, the healthiest you, the beautiful you, the best you!

Through private and group coaching, cleanses, workshops, products and retreats, I share what I believe to be the path to a beautiful balanced life. Loving yourself through self-care and learning to live a life of balance, benefits you and those around you. Truly! Even as a pro makeup artist I believe a joyful life is the best cosmetic. I’m on a mission to help you cultivate that joy!


Casey Gouveia


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