What's Your Favorite MOCKTAIL?

I’ve been coming up with so many fun mocktails to share with people cause I know that booze is hard to say bye bye to!

Sometimes you just need a pretty drink to hold in your hand!

There are plenty of beverages that can be just as satisfying as alcohol, without the hangover! Not to mention the tired ole face the morning after! 

You’d be surprised how great mocktails can be and sometimes when you’re drinking one, you actually feel like you have a buzz! It's happened to me. While my girlfriends are laughing away after a couple glasses of wine, I find myself cracking up too.. WiTH A SOBER BUZZ.


There are many non-alcoholic mixers that you can use to make cocktails. My favorites are @seedlips @angosturahouse and @rockgrace_ …love that stuff ..it’s the best fake rosé on the planet!

Or you can just use fresh fruits, herbs and teas. When I'm entertaining I often make a beautiful Hibiscus mocktail served in a cosmopolitan glass.

Here's my recipe...

Hibiscus tea from STASH or THE REPUBLIC OF TEA

1 scoop of GoBeYou.Collagen
a half a lemon squeeze
orange rind
and fresh mint!

You just steep hibiscus tea bags in boiling water or outdoors in the sun.

Let it cool.

Shake it in a martini shaker with our Collagen. Then add ice, make it nice and cold, but skip the martini!  Leave in the orange rind and add the fresh mint as a garnish. 

It’s packed with Collagen, anti-oxidants and Vitamin C ( great for your skin) tastes so good …and can help with weight loss! That’s a bonus since most cocktails add to weight gain.

My favorite 3:00 mocktail is my Inner Beauty Trio! I mix both my GREENS and COLLAGEN in a pretty glass with fresh herbs and ice,  have a little snack, take the Beauty Supplements and sit in the sun and “cheers” to my own health! It's a wonderful beauty ritual for me!

Start switching to mocktails. Your whole beauty and body will thank you!


Your favorite mocktail? Please do share ! 🍒


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